Avoid These Accidents And Mistakes While Plant Trimming

It is a popular belief that tree trimming is a really easy task and anybody can do it. I used to believe the same things until a few bad accidents happened. I even broke my finger after I stumbled down a ladder.
The basic rule I learned after that unfortunate accident is that only attempt pruning and trimming when you are on the ground. Moreover, good background knowledge is essential as the wrong timing for plant maintenance can do more harm than good.
Get to know the plants in your yard for efficient care routine. In case your plants need to be trimmed above the ground level, hire Plants trimming company in Kendall FL.
I have made two lists. The first one is for your safety whereas the second one is for the trees at your hand.

For Your Safety

  • You May Get Struck

When you are cutting the relatively larger branches, avoid standing exactly below it. In the case of storm-damaged trees, it is better to call experts so as to avoid getting struck. 
  • Electrocution

When working near wires, be very careful to avoid electrocution. Accidental touch with the live wire is the most common reason for accidents during plant trimming.
  • Falls

The most important for me! Avoid falls. Unless you have a strong ladder with the firm ground to secure it, do not try it.
  • Eye Injury

It is suggested to wear safety goggles during tree trimming. This will prevent you from eye injury and any twigs from getting into your eye.
  • Deep Cuts

Mishandling of saws or pruning equipment can inflict cuts. The sharp edges or branches can also inflict deep cuts. Treat the cuts as soon as possible.
  • Limb Amputation

In severe cases, even limb amputation is possible. The wrong use of power tools can cut a finger, hand or parts of the arm. 
  • Bites And Stings

When you are messing with the habitat of bees and wasps, you are bound to receive some reaction. It could be bites or strings which are quite painful and dangerous at times.
  • Infections

The abrasions or scrapes could get infected if you delay treatment.
  • Poisoning

Avoid working near poison ivy, poison oak or any other poison plant. They can cause serious dermatitis and allergic reactions.

For The Tree’s Safety

  • Dirty Equipment

To avoid spreading of disease, always use clean equipment. Dirty equipment is the major cause of bacterial disease transmission. Use isopropyl alcohol for cleaning equipment. 
  • Topping

This happens more than often. The growing top of a tree is chopped off to maintained a specific height. When you cut the top growing branch, three other branches on the sides grow and try to outcompete each other. You end up ruining the whole shape of the tree. Hire professional plants trimming in Kendall FL to avoid topping.
  • Too Much Pruning

The crown should not be pruned more than 25% during each season. Too much pruning compromises the immune system of a healthy plant.
  • Hurting The Branch Collar

A major branch gives rise to smaller branches which are attached to it with branch collars. If you end up hurting the branch collars, you are killing the branch forever.
  • Pruning In Fall

Tree trimming should always be done in the dormant season. It is okay to remove a few damaged branches even in fall but avoid pruning the tree in fall. This is crucial for plants health and better growth in the spring season. 
  • Using Wires For Bracing

If you are using wires for bracing, you are definitely hurting the tree.  
